CWS blocks the ripening of perishables transported in reefer containers

CWS blocks the ripening of perishables transported in reefer containers

Cold Wind System measures the flow and pressure of air inside a refrigerated container (reefer).

To receive the benefits, it is important to download the App (Applicativa) from the Play Store or App Store to a cell phone or tablet; Once installed, the user registers to generate a profile.

Immediately, the technology can begin to be used in any shipment of fresh perishables transported by sea. The App offers the user tutorials that indicate step by step what they must do to measure the flow and pressure of the air inside the container, and in case any risk is detected, the App also indicates the number of deflectors that should be placed on the floor of the container, to ensure that cold air reaches the door area (door side).

The App works in conjunction with the use of an anemometer and deflectors that are placed on the floor of the container, however, these deflectors are not always required, except when the App detects a risk.

Both the App and the deflectors are patented and protected for 20 years in 192 countries.

In addition to tutorials, the user receives 24/7 attention, via telephone or WhatsApp with specialist technicians.

Finally, it is important to mention that within Peru, a Cold Wind System technician is assigned, who personally measures the air flow and places, if necessary, deflectors in each container.

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