47 days in reefer container and the mango arrived fresh to Hong Kong

47 days in reefer container and the mango arrived fresh to Hong Kong

A few months ago, in June of this year 2023, a Hong Kong company requested a shipment of Tommy Atkins mango from a Mexican agricultural exporter, equivalent to a 40-foot refrigerated container with 20 pallets of product.

At that time, the mango campaign was about to end, there was almost no fruit, the one that was obtained to complete the order already had many Brix degrees, which drastically reduced the shelf life of the mango.

A refrigerated container was ordered from the shipping company that the Hong Kong customer indicated. It was loaded on June 15 with a set point of 10°C, sent to port, and of course Cold Wind System technology was used. The ship arrived in Hong Kong on July 16, but was not unloaded, the ship moved to another port to unload and was returned to Hong Kong on July 25, and it was not until August 1 that the container was delivered to the importer.

You can imagine how concerned both the customer in Hong Kong and the agricultural exporter in Mexico were about the amount of time in transit, 47 days after that container was loaded.

The agricultural exporter hired the services of a third party to review the quality of the shipment, received the report from the third party with very good news and the client also called to tell me that the sale of the mango was already advanced, and some boxes with a little ripening They had already sold out and were hoping to do business next season. The agricultural exporter let us know that it was his first sale abroad and it was a success, there was no penalty for mature product; He thanked us for the support we gave him, and we agreed that for the start of the next mango season in Mexico, all his containers for Hong Kong or another destination will use Cold Wind System technology.

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